You don't have to do the business alone. You will be in a team of enthusiastic entrenpreuner to share and learn from each other.
You have a right to access training resource and receive advise from successful entrepreneur
You have fully control of your time & income via building an unlimited & potential business
How we grow the business together?
Join our team and work to expand business, then share the profit. We are focusing on:
Leader is the lid of organization. By focusing on personal development, we make sure that each entrepreneur can keep the business growing all the time.
Core member is the one who has loyalty, ability and trustworthy. By building core team, it can help entrepreneur runs the business smoothly, even if he/she isn't there.
Loyal customers not only re-use our product & service, but also refer new customers to us. By focus on building loyal customer, we can have a stable & predictable revenue.
Below is what startup entrepreneur can receive after 3 years spending 2 hours/day working with us.
Base on your own effort. The more effort, the more income.
Required skillset to become professional business owner
Build up your personal brand via multiple social network.
Become team leader & mentor new startup entrepreneurs
Tools and core team can share the load to free up your time.
Pass your asset, mindset, skillset to your next generation.
We are building a team of professional people in many backgrounds with the passion to build up their own business at night time.
"This long-term business direction helps me develop business career along with full time job."
"The advices from business mentors help me avoid risk and build a profitable business. "
"The positive environment when become part of the team is unique. This's my home team."
We developed the Business Mentorship Program, so startup entrepreneur can be mentored by experienced entrepreneur and become mentor of the team in future.